My play, "Back from the Dead...an Audience with George Bernard Shaw" brings the author, playwright, satirist
and reviewer back from the deep to talk about life, love, his political views and his work. It also gives him the opportunity to sing some of his favourite songs. I hope to have this produced next year. Read the first 10 pages here Twitter: @siobhanpatmul
For news of Slogan Writing competitions, visit Michael Shenton's website here. He also has an excellent site for general Writing Competitions in Ireland & Britain, including: poetry, short story and novella writing. His site is updated regularly. To view, click here. My slogans include: "You can TRUST an Post" (for Ireland's post office) and "Nicorette Ice: the coolest way to Stop Smoking". My Jacob's fig roll recipes and new marketing strategy - to invite customers to send in recipes made from Jacob's fig rolls can be viewed here Twitter: @siobhanpatmul